MAY 2002
San Francisco
Roy Trumbull - Editor [email protected]
Bill Dempster - Artist
Advertisers for this month's newsletter are:

Santucci Video Systems - Sandra Santucci - (818) 704-6324
Belden - Steve Lampen - (415) 440-8393
Orban - [email protected] - (510) 351-3500
MARCOM - Martin Jackson - (408) 768-8668
William F. Ruck, Jr. Broadcast Engineer - (415) 564-1450
Audio Accessories - Rosie Alexander - (510) 787-3335
Kathrein (Scala Division) - Michael Wm. Bach - (541) 779-6500
Hammett & Edison, Inc. - Dane E. Ericksen, P.E. - (707) 996-5200
LeBLANC - David A. Hill - (650) 574-4600
Econco - George Badger - 650-327-7599
Improbable Missions Fource - Mike Schweizer - (888) 4-ISDN4U
Digi-Gear/Cancomm - Eric B. Lane - (818) 980-9188
RF Specialties of California - Bill Newbrough - (888) 737-7321
Pacific Radio Electronics - Sam Mao - (510) 636-0308
West Penn Wire/CDT - Michael J. La Porte - (650) 652-9080
Axcera - Russ Erickson - (877) 440-7877
Enco Systems - Steve Rooney - 800-ENCO-SYS

Babes/SBE Luncheon on Wednesday May 29th, 2002

Our speaker this month will be from Sierra Automated Systems (SAS). The topic will be digital audio from SDIF to AES 3. Certain problems and solutions will be discussed such as: Digital and the "Nominal Level", Asynchronous vs. Synchronous, Sample Rate Conversion, TDM and Multi-Channel Audio, and AES/EBU Interconnection.

As usual, our luncheon will be at Sinbad's just south of the Ferry Building on the Embarcadero near the foot of Mission St. We meet at 11:30 and are seated at 12:30. To make reservations call Paul Black at 925-827-9511 and leave a message on his machine.


Some years ago I had a list of FCC forfeitures for various infractions of the rules. I had no idea what the source was. I emailed the FCC and learned where the list resides. It's not to be found in the typical rule parts (0, 1,2, 73)

Go to this site and then to Title 47, Part 1, Sec 80. In the box labeled "Title," insert 47 In the box labeled "Part," insert 1 In the box labeled "Section," insert 80. Then hit the "Retrieve" button.

Print this out and add it to your capital budget request.

Missing or broken EAS equipment can result in a forfeiture of $8000.

Failure to comply with the specified tower markings and lighting can cost you $10,000.

Failure to use required frequency coordination weighs in at $4000.

Title 47 1.80 provides a page long list of forfeitures.

Now I need to find the Cal-OSHA site. Some years ago I heard that a pressurized tank that wasn't chained to the wall or otherwise immobilized could result in a fine of $10,000.

Normally the chance of seeing either an FCC Inspector or a Cal-OSHA inspector is slight. But if they respond to a complaint or an accident, everything better be in order because they're inclined to want to cover their time and expenses by nailing you with something.

My experience with the FCC has been that if the logs are in order with the proper signatures and notations and if the licenses are posted that that usually settles the matter. Once in awhile they get sent out on a fishing expedition but they usually stick to that one item unless they see that you're in total disarray. So make that first impression a good one and save yourself some trouble.

2.4 Gig Video & Audio

There are some flea power boxes for consumers that use 2.4 gig to transport video and audio around the house. One unit I've tried is the Wavecom Senior. You can take the output of a VCR located on one floor and see it on the next floor. The receiver sends a UHF signal back to the transmitter. The remote for the VCR can be taken upstairs and be read by the receiver box which then transmits the command to the transmitter box which in turn conveys the command to the VCR via an IR emitter puck. The maker claims a range of 300 ft. line of sight but I think 30 ft. is a more reasonable estimate going through walls and floors. Looking at various web sites I saw a 2:1 price differential for this product.

Subscribe to the online version of the newsletter
The electronic copy version of this newsletter is now availible via a mailling list. You can subscribe by going to and filling out the form there.

Webmeister Tim Pozar has the current newsletter plus newsletters all the way back to 1996 at:

I also post the current newsletter at but the posting is without links. - RT

National Conference in Phoenix this October
The SBE will hold its national meetings during the regional conference put on by Chapter 9 in Phoenix starting on October 16th. We'll have more details as they develop.

Renewal time
Members who have not renewed by June 30th will be dropped from membership in July. To avoid being dropped, send in your renewal with payment by June 30th to the National Office. Questions? Contact Angel Bates at 317-846-9000 or [email protected].

Certification Dates
The certification dates for the remainder of the year are:

June 8 - 18, August 17-27, and Nov 9-19. The practice has been to select one date within the range for local tests although sometimes two dates are used when applicants have scheduling problems. All certification applications need to be sent to Indianapolis.