OCTOBER 2003 San Francisco Roy Trumbull - Editor [email protected] Bill Dempster - Artist |
Santucci Video Systems - Sandra Santucci - (818) 704-6324 Belden - Steve Lampen - (415) 440-8393 Media Technical Consulting - Paul T. Black - (925) 827-9511 MARCOM - Martin Jackson - (408) 768-8668 William F. Ruck, Jr. Broadcast Engineer - (415) 564-1450 Ross Marketing Associates - Kevin Frost - (408) 988-8111 Kathrein (Scala Division) - Michael Wm. Bach - (541) 779-6500 Hammett & Edison, Inc. - Dane E. Ericksen, P.E. - (707) 996-5200 Howell Communications - Mike Howell - (559) 674-8989 Econco - George Badger - 650-327-7599 Improbable Missions Fource - Mike Schweizer - (888) 4-ISDN4U Digi-Gear / Cancomm - Eric Lane - (818) 980-9188 West Penn Wire/CDT - Michael J. La Porte - (650) 652-9080 Microwave Radio Communications - Clark Rhoads - (909) 246-1602 |
Dolby is always a step ahead. I recall that about 4 years ago there was a joint meeting with SMPTE at KPIX on digital TV. An impressive 250 people turned out. Pete Hammar spent the early part of the evening slicing cheese cubes out of bulk cheese to keep them fed. I was one of the speakers and I explained what we were going through at Sutro and the strange tortured forward backward moves that revolved around delivery dates for antenna related equipment. Then I mused about AC 3. I asked how many people had anything that recorded video plus 5.1 channels of audio. Nobody. I predicted that maybe that would be answered at NAB. When I sat down I found myself next to Ray Dolby who had this big grin on his face. At NAB that year Dolby E was introduced.
As usual, our luncheon will be at Sinbad's just south of the Ferry Building on the Embarcadero near the foot of Mission St. We meet at 11:30 and are seated at 12:30. To make reservations call Paul Black at 925-827-9511 and leave a message on his machine.
As usual, our luncheon will be at Sinbad's just south of the Ferry Building on the Embarcadero near the foot of Mission St. We meet at 11:30 and are seated at 12:30. To make reservations call Paul Black at 925-827-9511 and leave a message on his machine.
The images are processed in what looks like a television control room. There are 4 or 5 in the control room and at least 2 with you in the OR. This all takes about 1 1/4 hours and the time goes fast. At the end, when the catheter is removed, a Dr. compresses the entry point for 15 minutes to permit it to seal. Then it is off to the recovery room where you must lie flat without raising you head for 6 hours. No laughing or coughing please. When you are released, Just being able to sit up again is a pleasure beyond description.
I am led to believe that a good number of you will someday learn all about this first hand.
Through the use of Doppler and false color they can examine flow rates, reflux and clots. It was Ultra Sound that first detected the problem I was treated for. They can do cross sectional views as well as vessel mapping and flow. Ultra-Sound is a bit of a misnomer as they use frequencies up into the low RF range today.
The same essential technology is used for doing echo cardiograms. They can see if there is reflux (reverse flow) or reduced flow between the chambers of the heart.
It's quite a stretch when you realize that before this technology existed, the best they could do was have an experienced physician take a listen with a stethoscope and make an educated guess.
While I was in my room UCSF I resisted the temptation to call Gene Zastrow and ask him to go to the 4th level of the tower and wave at me.
Roy Trumbull
Roy also posts the current newsletter at http://home.earthlink.net/~rhtrumbull but the posting is without links.