San Francisco
Roy Trumbull - Editor [email protected]
Bill Dempster - Artist
Advertisers for this month's newsletter are:
Zack Electronics - (800) 998-3947
Advanced Marketing - Frank A. Santucci - (650) 365-3944
Belden - Steve Lampen - (415) 440-8393
Orban - Rick Sawyer - (360) 715-1913
MARCOM - Martin Jackson - (408) 768-8668
William F. Ruck, Jr. Broadcast Engineer - (415) 995-6969
RF Specialties of California - Bill Newbrough - (888) 737-7321
Hammett & Edison, Inc. - Dane E. Ericksen, P.E. - (707) 996-5200
LeBLANC - David A. Hill - (650) 574-4600
Pacific Research & Engineering Corp. - William Hopkins - (760) 438-3911
Keith Davidson & Company - Keith Davidson, CSBE - (707) 648-0412
Improbable Missions Fource - Mike Schweizer - (888) 4-ISDN4U
Svetlana Electron Devices - George Badger - (800) 578-3852
TFT Inc. - Jesse J. Piatte, Jr. - (408) 727-7272 x504
Audio Accessories - Rosie Alexander - (510) 787-3335
Brill Electronics - Larry Shore / Inside Sales - (510) 834-5888
Scala - Michael Wm. Bach - (541) 779-6500
Scala - Everett E. Helm, CPBE - (541) 779-6500
Harris - John Briskie - (650) 593-1837
Anixter - Judy Conner - (510) 489-7430

Wavetek will do a presentation on the monitoring of ATSC and MPEG-2 streams.

As usual, our luncheon will be at Sinbad's just south of the Ferry Building on the Embarcadero near the foot of Mission St.. Please RSVP to Carol Brahney at Zacks: 408-324-5514 ([email protected]). We meet at 11:30 and are seated at 12:30.

Future Meetings
The bounty system has been in use down in Silicon Gulch for some time. Suggest a friend for a job and if he gets hired, you get some money. With technical types in demand, the number of folks bailing out of radio and television has left a major void.

Bonneville San Francisco needs a Director of Engineering for KOIT, KDFC, and KZQZ. Usual "walks on water" requirements, has added a ten based t connection to his canary cage, etc.. Suggest a candidate to Chuck Tweedle 415-904-7516 Fax or [email protected]. You might just get the $K if your candidate gets the job. Multiple suggestions from different people of the successful candidate will result in a lottery.

I just saw a note to the effect that "" (my generic label for all internet businesses) is starting to entice some of the best sales types away from radio and TV stations. [I helped some with that move myself - Tim]

My thanks to Roy Brixen at College of San Mateo and the CCEI (California Council of Electronics Instructors) newsletter for this item.

It dates back to the time of World War II at Bell Labs. Paul Neill first developed the N (Neill) connector for radar systems. He then worked with Carl Concelman on a connector for UHF that had a bayonet locking mechanism. The B is for bayonet and the N and C are for their names. The T in TNC stands for threaded.

The home antenna industry was basically destroyed by cable. The entire distribution scheme for the various manufacturers is in disarray. Talking to one manufacturer, they couldn't really say if they had a distributor in Northern California.

The default antenna distributor is Radio Shack. According to one of the few surviving installers, their antennas are okay.

Ive tried a few Channelmaster antennas but their bowtie arrays require a separate balun.

The Installer mentioned above told me that another manufacturer, who built the 300 to 75 ohm balun into the antenna, also used a lot of plastic spacers and their antennas fell apart in record time.

Korla Pandit Dies
Korla Pandit was one of the TV originals from the 1950s. With his jeweled turban and his haunting good looks, he made many hearts throb.

In my DJ days I interviewed him. Off the record, he told me that a certain record companies royalty statements weren't to be believed. He personally had sold more of each recording that his statement indicated.

One day a moving truck come to his house with a grand piano. It was a gift from a woman whod been on the verge of committing suicide, but his eyes had told her not to do it. Those were the days.

If you have an email address, please contact Warren Reese at [email protected]. Warren is in charge of our email list, which we use when we need to notify members when something has happened between newsletters.

Webmeister Tim Pozar has the current newsletter plus newsletters all the way back to 1996 at: